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          Oktàgona beach & restaurant

          #Café-bar #Restaurants

          Sand, light-blue sea and surrounding Mediterranean scrub give life to Oktágona: a peaceful oasis of sober and elegant architecture, that overlooks the landscape respecting its nature, thanks to the study of previous shapes, colours and materials.

          To scrutinize the entire plant from the East, it is indeed the Adriatic Sea that gives breath-taking shows and that the guests of Oktàgona beach & restaurant can admire, seated at Tiffany tables and settled on Ginevra and Coccolona designed by S•CAB, chosen in collaboration with Moccia brothers of Edilsavi.

          Welcomed by a winding stone path, your eyes are immediately drawn to the two central octagons, the bar and the restaurant, and then get lost in the immediately next lawn, a green field characterized by tall and vigorous palm trees and by the foliage of typical trees of Brindisi
          that protect the space from the sun-rays. The turf hosts umbrellas made by white African cane and tables, whereas at a few steps of distance exclusive private spaces are shown, enclosed by snow-white linen sheets, which provide coolness and reserve.

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